Saturday, March 15, 2008


This picture was taken by a secert double agent. That's right, our travel agent. For our trip to Ecuador got things mixed up... it seems that our flight home was over booked. We were bumped! I had to make a quick call to you know who to hitch a ride home on his small boat.

The only problem was all the noise (jet engines) but the food wasn't bad. It sure beats a bag of peanuts and a can of stale soda pop.

I am kidding of course... the photo is of the flight deck of the USS Abe Lincoln taken half way from Hawaii to San Diego. The three plans in the foreground are of the type son Kent flys in, AE6B's which glow in the dark.
I have a few other shots taken on the "Tiger" cruise home. I'll share with you all at a future date...

However, our flight on American Airlines was very peaceful and flying over Cuba brought back a few hairy memories about some people being p.o.ed at others bring us to the brink once again... leading us to today's one liner
"Last guys don't finish nice."


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