Monday, March 03, 2008

An old gimp,
a used car salesman,
and a girl scout with an attitude.

Where have the good people gone? I mean look at the choices that we are forced into voting for.

Gad, it a shame when you look ahead (or behind). It frightening to think that Oprah could be our next Secretary of State or Slick Willie our ambassador to Saudi Arabia - talk about back door deals… These latest choices or lack of make Herbert Humphrey and Edmund Muskie look like angles. Even Senator Scoop Jackson would be a welcome.

All these present folks are pointing fingers at one another blaming prior presidents for the mess we seem headed for. However, the real problem is that we just keep voting dozens of clowns back into congress term after term who in their first term vote themselves a pay increase rather than trying to limit their own terms in office… or having the government run on a balanced budget.
No, that would be to logical.

We seem to be worried more about “others” than ourselves - North Koreans, Afghanies and Iraqies… Ourselves being the economy, stupid. Even Slick Willie had that one right. There hasn’t been a single dialog about the real things, energy, jobs, and a sound answer to the environment. I mean real sound ideas like how are we to pay for universal health care, when it comes, and which goverment lawyers get to sue which government doctors? 'You know I don't feel well.' Then you better call your lawyer to make a doctor's appointment. Life could get a lot more complicated.

Or how are people going to drive to work when gas is at $8.00 per gallon where it should be (David's Humble opinion). Sorry I've gone overboard. Dad said never talk politics or religion with friends. Seeing I have neither this blog is safe.

Oh, Well , cheer up it’s almost spring meaning golf season or in Greg's case the real fishing season so to hell with the real meaning of life. It’s your golf score that real counts.
So who is going to win Tuesdays key primaries?
I don’t care, it’s a done deal.

Today's one liner:
"Nothing is impossible until you have to do it yourself."


At 8:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I vote for Katie the Dog.

At 1:51 PM, Blogger Up North said...

This blog posting was entended to get a few people off the pot and into the polls. However I don't know a sole in Texas or Ohio... so no damage done!
For family and friends who think they know my polictic lean - please advise. The only polictic figure that made 2 and 2 make 5 was Barry and he's long gone.


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