Thursday, February 28, 2008

Back on terra firma… 2/28

Two weeks away from home and it seems we missed another blast of artic air. Can’t believe we were in the balmy weather of South American then hours later shoveling white stuff. Which beings up today’s topic…the unexpected or what’s around the next corner. I don’t know of anyone who has not had a preconceived idea about a person, place or thing (all nouns) then been completely bowled over by the fact that what we thought about something was the complete opposite.

That’s what hit us about our friend’s new country and it’s people. I was told that the country, Ecuador, had one horse and some one had shot the horse, never guess who started that rumor? They and we were very wrong with this notion. They have many horses, chicken, cows (of all types). a mass of cars and buses, zoom zoom. Yet all of it is surrounded by much beauty. Our walk in their National Park, Cajas, as a real joy.

I was looking at the pictures I took of the Park in the Andes and they just don’t do the place justice nor do our preconceived notions. The place is a wonder and so are the people. So, here’s a big promise that in the future I will not prejudge anything! Well. Maybe.


At 9:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pleased to see the check from the Ecuadorian tourist counsel cleared so you could promote the place. Cows of all types? Any mad cows? Cash cows? Brown Cows? How now?

Likewise, no prejudging of the future blogs - well, except that they will include Katie the Dog and, of course we are coming into the hotbed of journalistic activity - the chain saw season.


At 6:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're glad you came. And just 6 more weeks of winter for you given the roughly one month lag from Groundhog Day. There's always something to look forward to.



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