Monday, January 21, 2008

Green and Old… I mean gold
It’s both and this is written prior to Sunday’s lick off. Who’d tunk? 13 and 3 and still in the game. The guy is 38! What were you dong when you were 38? I had problems just getting my shoes on. And I for one was in a lot better shape than 99% of my friends.

So Brett is going to be out there trying his best to win one for the Vince. Win or lose he is still a winner. How can anybody cheer against the guy? I even think many die hard Giant, Bear and Viking fans deep down have a semi soft for the boy from Mississippi. I am an old Charger fan as well and I just think it would be a great game if the two teams made it to the super bowl. But it really doesn’t matter for as we all know the NFL is business.
If I were betting I wouldn’t, for that would spoil everything… I am going to open a beer of two and just sit back and watch the old master try to out smart the kids in the white jerseys and have the fire place a full bore. So hail green and gold for it can’t be any worse than the Bears bust of last year… let’s just hope everyone make tha’ bus. Monday pm… Ok, so they lost so have 30 other NFL teams and don’t give me “Wait till next year…”

Today's One liner "the race sometimes doesn't go to the swiftest nor the contest to the strongert, but its a good way to bet." Twain


At 7:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's this? The official opening of the 2008-2009 Coleman Family Packer Prediction Contest? Maybe this year there should be a prize - immortalization by being mentioned on your blog! I would make my prediction now if I knew that were the prize...'cept I'm gonna wait to see if Brett's back...but the Pack WILL be back!


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