Saturday, January 12, 2008

Our little friend…

Its a red squirrel that lives in our wood pile. Our wood pile was a rather large one last fall. With the advent of cold weather I keep hauling wood in for our evening fires and disrupting the poor lad. Each morning when I let the dog out he greets us with squirrel chatter. Meaning… “If you touch my wood pile one more time you guys are dead meat.”
I have messed up his den many a time. His den is a mass of leaves and things collected things that he arranges in a very heart warming way. To bad squirrel… that wood pile is strictly that, a wood pile, he’d better park your rear else where.

It’s the way of nature up here in the far north, dog eat dog, man eat squirrel. Oh, that was the theme of holiday movie that’s just out, “ Alvin meets Chip and Dale”, its a sham! Pure Hollywood. Speaking of shams… Raindeer do not know how to fly! They take United Airlines flight 101 out of O’Hare to Miami Beach


At 10:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Squirrel, the other yellow meat. At least no one has ever said that it tastes like chicken.


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