Thursday, December 13, 2007

It’s bend over time…
Stick out your tongue. Why do all doctors take a look in your eye balls, make you cough and hit you on the knee with a lead pipe? That will be $950. Gee I only had a cold and needed a strong Rx.

I also took my car in for it’s annual check up. The wrench did the same thing to my car, drop trow and then listened to it’s cough. The verdict was the same, a major overhaul. Trouble is I can get rid of the old heep but not my body which is in worse shape than my car. Plus, I'd only be worth a plug nickel on a trade in.

Rosebud tried to donate me to your local Thrift Shop but was rejected. I mean it’s a sad state when your knees make more noise than the TV set. On my passing (it could happen) I’d donate my body to science or a medical college but I know they’d reject it . Maybe a junk yard would take it for salvageable metal parts.

So, yesterday I walked out of the medical clinic with a semi clean slate. Another words they didn’t have a clue why the aches and pains. So into the aspirin bottle morning and evening with light lunch in-between. Hang in there kids, your time will come and may spring as well.


At 5:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

$950 for the car and aspirn prescription $1000

At 9:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Donate your body? Who would take it? I suppose you could donate your head so the cause of baldness could be discovered.

Your xmas card arrived. Thank God for baseball caps, eh?

At 5:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, at least your body would be partially embalmed already. That would save money.

And remember the number one criteria for selecting the best procologist - small hands.



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