Friday, December 07, 2007

Turning 60...

This subject sucks. I’d really go into it but a just can’t remember back that far.
Then some nice person stated, “Age is meaningless.” That person was 21 and without a lost hair or a wrinkle.

The only pleasure a person “Our Age” has is watching other people hit the wall as well. But that’s not nice. Us older folks should be thinking about other things other than losing teeth, hearing and lost car keys. We should be trying to figure out where the bathroom is or how to tie our shoe laces.

Yesterday a got into a really good novel. I knew I was in trouble after I had reread page 12 five times. Something kept coming up then I’d get back into it and start reading. After the third or forth time you’d think I would have noticed, but no.
Brain fade? Could be. But I still remember our dog’s name, it’s Claire or is the a daughter’s name? Any who, the really joy was’ my twin brother’s surprise 60th birthday party. I was held last August which was a really surprise for their birthday is actually in November. Why the wrong date? Don’t ask it’s a Coleman deal.

Now then the point being we are all growing older - it’s a fact!!! So from this older statesman my advise is just hold on and enjoy the ride for you never know when the conductor will boot your ass off the train.


At 12:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Growing old is a fact. Thinking old is a choice. There are some 40 year olds out there who think old. Thinking old is, in part, becoming set in your ways. I will grow old. I refuse to think old. Look at brother Howard - now there's a perpetual juvenile delinquent!!

At 5:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can not believe that the younger brother Steve would be so mean!! The Coleman boys -- er -- men are a great family, who are especeted and loved dearly by a lot of -- um -- many, er -- some -- hmmm.... I am sure by their children. What Pary? When ? I forget. Who lives in Quinta Dave or Fred? If Fred remembers to call me I will be driving up tomorrow, I will be driving up Tuesday. As I am sure Wobbin is saying -- "I don't care"


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