Friday, November 30, 2007

In between… 11/29

It’s like being a squirrel, this way, that way, no this way caught - between right and left. Maybe it’s a state of mind or a fact of life. It’s more like March where you get up in the morning ready to face the day and it hits you. What to wear?
It could be 80 or 5 below. You’ve got no clue.

It happened to you between high school and college, the question was … do I want to study fire fighting or nuclear physics? Then after college it was do I want to sell bricks or used cars, so much for a college degree. Success followed success and the question was do I want a new AMC Pacer or a Ford Arrostar?

Some people are born with question marks on their forehead and the biggest problem of the day is what to have for breakfast when the dinner bell rings. I must admit that there are a few times in the year when the path for the day is unclear. It was 6am this morning when I hit this wall again. It was 5 degrees outside and I was toasty warm “in between” the sheets and the electric blanket. The question was do I stay in bed till noon or get up and kick the day in the ass?

I pulled a ‘Fred’ and got going by 10 am and stubbed my toe for it was blog day and now I’ve stubbed my brain. At least I could say, ‘mornin’ sunshine.


At 7:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I am awakened at 10 by this blogger the question is do we start with scotch or Morgan and then watch Brown and Katie watch the squirrels. Go Katie.

At 7:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just how high do you keep the temp of that blanket? Just wundrin...

At 4:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm, perhaps a little more parsing of the options might be of benefit. "A fireman or nuclear physics?" Very interesting as our friend Sigmund would have said. But then there's the option of a Pacer or an Aerostar. What's the problem, no Edsels on the lot? How about a nice Vega or Pinto?

Perhaps the "nuclear physicist" side of you kicked the old electric blanket up to 220 volts?

That well might have led to the need for your "fireman" side. (First, you would have to paint Katie the dog white and add some black spots.

But I digress, perhaps next time set the alarm........


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