Wednesday, June 06, 2007

This is it...
Sad to say that this is the next to last blog from the master guide of the north woods. Something has come up. No, not an affair with a green frog. It's a massive project that leaves me with 2 mintues of the day to think? Besides who likes warmed over oat meal? Plus the boss has almost has me doing double time at the Pro Shop. Then there is Rosbuds demanding list of "things".

That's my sad excuse. But the real reason is the battery is flat, the mind is brain dead. So, like college instructors Iam going on "So-bat'tic-cal." I've got my bags packed and seeing I don't have a lap top (only one big ass lap) I can't plug in. Iam down the road with journal in hand. Headed for the next county over.
See you all in several weeks...


At 8:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This cannot be. The first thing I do with my morning coffee. I hope your new project doesn't involve remodeling at Claire's. She would rather have your blog I am sure.

No scotch at my house until their return and that includes during the open.

At 8:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps we could hire a ghost writer

At 9:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would you please get several webcams? Many of us would like to watch various Wobbin exploits in lieu of reading your ramblings.

Think of it, you could have one focused on the deck where we could watch folks fall off that first step. Then there's tree felling and the always fun Wobbin home improvement projects including floating docks and boat mishaps.

This could be big!

At 10:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about a Weekly Wobbin? Three weeks or more with no tales of the haps and mishaps is like a day without sun...oh I mean rum, or Lake 17 without the loons...or is it loonies? Please come back soon!

At 7:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

as soon as you shut down i predict a flood of new ideas.

take a break, go pound nails at Garth and come back when football is in the air.



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