Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Off on the town… 5/30

When I hit forty I told myself, “Self, you need to cut things short, slow things down quit being a goodie two shoes.” When asked if I’d help with something I decided that my time for that type of nonsense was over. Selling Christmas trees for my Rotary Club, No. Helping with the Lion’s Club Fund drive. No. But in the end I knuckled under and lent a hand. In my heart I had only one big yes and that was helping with Cystic Fibrosis fund drives. That was then and this is now.

As a senior senior, almost, I feel that I’ve walked the right road without getting hit by a semi. Well, it seems that someone else has kept putting my name in the hat to help with this and that and to attend a thing that ‘we just can’t miss.’

As of late it’s been … “We’ve got to get going tonight or we’ll be late to the flower show" flower show? By the way Sunday afternoon is the community concert. We have tickets. No, I didn’t purchase them! Then the bake sale is at school tomorrow afternoon, would mind, “Bud, you’re parking cars?” This was a command

My rear end is now embedded on our sofa, it’s stuck there as we are in the middle east. It isn’t going anywhere. It’s called squatter’s rights. Oh, you’ll have to excuse me…I’ve got to get dressed up to go to the spring high school play, bye.


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