Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Nothing to say…

The mind is blank. The slate I clean. There isn’t a new thought in the knoggin’. We were away for the weekend, no big deal. We were in Milwaukee, no big deal. The Brewers are on a roll, kind of a big deal. I caught a huge one off the dock this am, a very small deal. Really, the only news I can write about would put you to sleep.

We were baby sitting a grand daughter over the weekend and she is in the process of learning to walk, big deal? Well, I knew you’d be as excited as Rosebud was. No big deal. Then it started to sink in. I mean… look around you today , take a good look. There are many things that we just take as ho hum, done that.. been there… well, to many people just today is amazing… if you are breathing, if are vertical and if you are smiled at this a.m. then you are miles ahead.

So, what’s news? It’s spring you numskull? Lighten up and smell the roses. End of sermon! Go pinch some one’s rear end, tip that waitress, or buy that guy at the end of the bar a fresh one


At 5:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been sitting at the end of the bar waiting for you to buy me a fresh one as promised in the blog today. Waiting a long time.....

I also told the waitress you were going to tip her big - again from your blog today. I am just a little irate that you are not here but she is really pissed off. She wanted to know your home address so I told her. She mentioned something about her anti psychotic dosage being off but I wouldn't worry about that too much.

Norm Abrams

At 7:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pinch someone on the rear end??? Got a lawyer on retainer?


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