Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Burn baby, burn… 4/25
What to do with the leaves from last fall, burn them. All the materials from the remodeling – burn them. All the tree tops from last winter’s logging – burn them. But first, let’s be legal. This requires a burning permit form our area fire warden, Fred Whitman. But he’s in Florida sunning his bulk in a sandy beach.

Just the same I’d better get one anyway so it was off the town. I went on to get a permit and after giving them all the info I got a new annual permit. New because it’s good for the whole year. To do any burning you follow the DNR simple instructions and call an 800# letting them who and where you are so that they can fine you anyway. However, you should first have your attorney make the call for nothing is as simple as it seems.

Yesterday I tried making the call and surprise, surprise, I got a recorded message. Which was more confessing than their burning instructions. This is call progress. At least it keep all the rodents in Madison thinking of new ways to kill time and write in additional job security. As for my brush piles, they can wait I don’t want to add to global cooling.


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