Monday, April 23, 2007

Sometimes things are a pain. Last night I watched a movie. It was about a meteorite that slammed into the planet Earth, a lovely heavenly body on which we all run around with our heads cut off. Anyway Bruce Willis is once again asked to save the world. And once again he gets it in the end, right up the old wha-zoo.

Then last night while in laa-laa land I had one of these Earth ending dreams as well. This time a big old alligator the size of the Empire State building was having dinner on every human being in slight. Needless to say he starts in Canada and works his way south right through the state of Wisconsin. Never mind the chasing of deer, bear or badgers, only humans were in his menu.

Right when he was putting salt and pepper on my rear end ready for lunch I happen to roll over hitting my noggin on the night stand. I then got up early letting the dog out looking both ways. You never can when a scalely five-legged creature could come around the corner and “take a Bite”. I’ve heard of Hodags, and Gorego’s but a 900’ crawling jaw?


At 7:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You weren't sleeping, you were watching an ESPN replay of the Florida Gators eating Ohio Stae's lunch in football or basketball. Certain parts of Ohio look almost Wisconsin like with lakes and taverns.

As for the part when they were putting spices on your posterior - no idea. Perhaps that happened after you struck your head on the end table - at least that's the story I would stick with if I were you.


Norm Abrams
(Still enjoy your blog even when you aren't talking about home improvement.)


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