Friday, April 20, 2007

Throw a few bucks…

Got a problem? Then get your wallet out.
As a kid if you were a nickel short you’d try and lose a tooth and the Good Fairy, bless her heart, would put a quarter under your pillow.

Then later came softer bribes. If you got a A on the report cart it was worth a buck, a B was worth 50 cents. C’s were nothing to write home about only in my case. For D’s and below you were sent to your room. I sent a lot of time in my room. I wound up owning my parents.

Later in life these simple lessons were applied in a variety of ways, Smash month bribes.
“ Sir. I know I’m late and from your packed parking lot I can see you are real busy. Oh here’s a C-note and could I have that table down front?” (this was the re-grand opening of Whitman’s)

The concept of cash in hand and the wheel with grease moves faster always was a little hard to me to grasp. As an Iowa kid you did your chores and got a bright shinny dine. You then would blow half of it on bazooka bubble gun and put the other half in the piggy bank. Investing in pie in the sky was never a thought or heavy tipping to people who later could get you to the front of the line seemed out of question.

That is till I heard about a limited partnership in oil drilling in Uzbekistan. This can’t miss deal pushed on me by a former H.F. Hutton sales guy would quadruple our cash investment in the first 12 months alone. This can’t miss-deal missed.
As the saying goes, older but unwiser? There no fool like an old geezer but what the hay, it’s only cash which is like money, Yogi.


At 11:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you never paid me for my grades...


At 5:54 PM, Blogger Up North said...

Ok, I owe five buck dear one!

At 7:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always said that grades are olt the mark of a teachers ablity to teaxch, for me a D+ was a blessing.


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