Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Miss Ruth’s Rainbow 4/11

Yesterday’s blog was about OZ, but today’s is about a rainbow which are very hard to see when the days high is 25 degrees. Then again in your battle with daily chores if your don’t take the time to look you’ll never see what’s under your nose. That could be frost on your moustache. Here’s the point, it’s the art of looking that counts.

This was drilled into me as a lad. One day I was over at a friends house waiting for him to show up we were headed out for an early supper. His mom, Miss Ruth, was out walking so I joined her. She was in their backyard which was a bog. She was a wonderful person who saw things though a different set of lenses.

I had never really thought about my friend’s backyard swamp, only that it was a nasty place filled with Wisconsin’s state bird, the mosquito. So for the next 20 minutes Miss Ruth pointed out small wonders that in the past I’d stepped on without thought. There were mini- toads, frogs and plants that dinned in our state birds. Mmm - Yum! Another words there is a whole other world out there to see if we’d only we took time to look.

I did that last week. Ripping off wallboard in our old place, remodeling, I found a nest of baby mice. Not that I or Rosebud like mice especially in the house but ain’t nature grand? They were for 5 seconds till it sank in what they were. Where did the mice go? They are in God’s greater kingdom I hope. We are still 3 months away from rainbow season and counting.

Today’s thought, "If you are sure that you understand
everything that is going on, you are hopeless confused."


At 10:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure I understand everything that is going on. Especially when it comes to mice in the wallboards. I always said we should have a show about exterminating household pests on This Old House - wait we did and got rid of Bob Vila. But enough of that, perhaps you should consider flooding the house with a highly toxic gas - I can provide a formula that relies on hair tonic and household cleaners.

Norm Abrams

At 8:39 AM, Blogger Up North said...

Thanks pal, what a gift to the world we all are!


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