Friday, May 11, 2007

Direct Orders …to clean or not to clean?

Captain Freddie of the USS Huntski has leveled the law. "There will be no more fishing from his ship till we at least starting cleaning some fish and have a down home fish fry, period." However, our fish clearner is at present out of the country.

That was it. Capt Fred's law was laid and no more dead worms on his boat deck carpeting till we start getting serious about our catch. For many a year we all believe in many of the fishing organization’s motto “ Catch and Lease” SO now Capt. Freddie will not even let us go joy riding till we clean a mess of bluegill and fry them up.

The last time I cleaned a mess of fish I had to travel to the emergency room and get sewn up after slashing my leg trying to kill a horsefly with a fillet knife. Then the other big question is what to do with the fish guts? I know my dog would love to dig them up and roll in them.

I could bury them in my neighbors yard (my brother’s place) but he has a dog as well. I've got it! I could put the fish in a blender and we all could have fish pancakes?

Your ideas are welcome as well!


At 10:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure Chris wouldn't mind if you deposited the fish guts in his yard. Doesn't it make for great fertilizer?

At 8:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank goodness it was a filet knife and not your oft mentioned chain saw. Oh, it never starts, you would have been better off.

Here's the deal. You go to Trig's, buy some fish filets and place them in cooler "A". Catch fish with Capt Fred and place next to cooler "A". Dock and while captain Fred is consulting with Captain Morgan on seafaring techniques, throw fish in water and pull filets from cooler "A"and present to Fred (note: make sure they are thawed and removed from box and, for god's sake, not breaded). Reach into cooler "B" for beverages........

Joseph Hazelwood


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