Thursday, May 17, 2007

What’s next,? Bring it on! 5/17

The remodeling is there, the cabin almost stained, the deck is next - I'll power washed and seal it which should take a day. All this was done with some one watching over my shoulder. I’ve even cleaned up most of the cuttings from last winter's loggin'. This in it's self was a full time job. Menwhile, I’ve finished supervising the new church construction and for good measure designed 9 stain glass windows of which sold have been sold 7 to unsuspecting members.

Then throw in working part time at the golf course and I feel a little tired. I've got to take a break putting my feet up and watching the loons mate while having a couple of soda pops on the front deck. Oh, by the way the new driver and metal knee has brought a new smile to the golf game as well. After all this, I’ve seriously considered taking the summer off, sitting on my fanny and doing NOTHING! The boys are out of town and it's near impossible to get into trouble.

So, after my mid morning nap I’ll be ready to raise a little hell... or maybe I should a have a little lunch first. This retirement thing is a lot of work.


At 6:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's not get too complacent, the boys will be back and that will be when all hell breaks loose. Thank goodness you are resting up.

A new metal knee and a new metal driver. Just think, not so long ago you would have had both made of persimmon......

At 8:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree the boys will be back bearing gifts for Rosebud so he can get out. Lets see, brownies, chocolate cake, and fudge ought to do it.


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