Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Throw in the towel… 5/22

There are times when it is better to call it quits, hang it up. For many a year I tired to get grass to grow in acid soil mostly in the shade. The sandy soil was only good for growing wood ticks. I’d throw on grass seed add some hay then add a ton of water only to have the birds run off with the seed.
Rosebud for years has tried to have a flower garden. She’d add potting soil and all sorts of stuff from a bag. The results were amazing. We had a blaze of blooming flowers all for a day of two when the deer would find a way through the fencing we put up. One even climb the deck steps and had a lunch of her potted flowers.

Both of these examples are like my older brother’s crash diets. First he had his no carbo meals which went on for several months. I called and asked, " How’s it going?" He’d tell he that he fallen off the wagon and was on a new and improved diet, fruits, a solid fruit diet. Well, this didn’t last very long either. I mean even apes can’t make to the jon eating bananas all day long. He’s tried every diet plan on the books and all for not.

There are some things that at meant to be i.e. deer in Rosebud’s flower garden. Another is strife in the middle east. There is no way in the blue Susan that you are going to force peace down the throats of peoples that have been at one another for centuries. It’s only when they have buried enough of their sons and daughters that they will come to realize the folly of their hatred.

We as a country can not and should not police the world. We can’t even get thing straight in our own back yard. Just think of all the good we could do if we focused on real human conditions. As for me I have a new deer fence to put up…it’s either that or get my 22 cal. rifle out which is very dangerous as is my brother’s dieting.


At 7:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

best you reign in the comments re my diet(s)... given we are inside of a week of the brothers helping you w your so-called dock.

BTW, i am down 20 pounds since march 18th.

as for World Peace, you sound like the Miss America candidates but whatever works for you.

see you soon.

At 2:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

do not try to be the policeman of the northwoods.

At 8:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you try to stop those deer with a 22, it will just be fodder for one of those "Animals Gone Wild" videos on fox.


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