Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The question is,
“ What if I’d had said NO those many years ago.”

The last time I actually raised my hand to volunteer was the dumbest thing I ever did. It was to fly Marine helicopters in 1965. They were looking for a few good men to act as targets. Fortunately I wasn’t good enough, thank God! Since then I have donated a lot of time to this or that. Actually a hand was raise behind my back by Rosebud. For some reason when a volunteer is needed I can feel a knife-point in my middle section.

But I’ve learned. Now a days - when volunteer season hits high pitch (spring time) I always start on my IMP’s, most important projects, and can drag things out usually until fall. Lately, if for some reason you missed a blog or two it’s because I’ve missed posting them. I am awfully busy thinking of ways not to volunteer.
How is this one “I‘am up on the roof shingling can not be disturbed, it’s very dangerous up here.”

Anyway that’s my present excuse. Actually I’ll be attending a summer class at our local tech college. The class is over humility.


At 6:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about a refresher class in typing or the use of spell check then of couse it would be orginal


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