Thursday, November 08, 2007

OK we’re back….so tell the family! Nov. 7th

SITI and I don’t mean what you are sitting on.
My computer associate finally decide that she was completely bore and decided to spend 30 second to figured out why I have been in a lock out mode. I know you all thought the best and that a meteor had falen from the sky taking dead aim in yours truly, but no. It’s just that when it comes to computers I’m left handed. Speaking of stange things from above…

Last night was a very clear one and over Lake 16 (our lake is shinking) and you could see thousands of star. No I wasn’t counting each, just rubber necking. I even saw a satellite fly by which got me thinking, always a bad thing.

The search for alien life forms continues. Progress is being made. It a very slow paced thing. Hundreds of people are involved. They even have math guys involved calculating the odds of finding little green things on Mars. The object is simple. It’s to find some type of life form in this amazing universe of ours.

Our minds can not ponder the number of stars even in our own galaxy let alone the entire creation. Who ever lit the fuse on the big band sure got their fingers burned. And now with our pea sized brain we are trying to answer the one question of it all….WHY? And the second question… are we alone?

So billions are being spent looking for other life forms “out there” when right here at home we are still counting new species as well as destroying many with our excessive life style. Just the other day I turn over a rock and bingo I found a new life form. There was also a new life form sitting at the end of the bar at Whitman’s the other night.

SO look around open your eyes and U2 will be astonished at the number of life forms, like the mold under your sink or the number of wood ticks crawling on your cloths after a walk in the woods. Ahhh, life is grand in it’s many forms.


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