Friday, September 21, 2007

So, where did the summer go?
Upon numerious requests, two, I've been asked to rezooooooom my northwoods updates. After a prolonged thougth period I've decided to blog once weekly as the computer is running low on fresh materials.

I've been off blogging since June and quite frankly there hasn't been much new - news up here in birch bark land. The town fathers did give the go ahead to build a gigant'ic Wal-mart and there goes the niegborhood. So we are now having the same chance as other towns to buy lead based toys for our kids and grand kids that the rest of America has. Talk about brain dead. The other news from the north is that the state department of natural resources is now allowing fish bombing.(pictured above)

It's our new sport here. If the Iraq's have so much joy is blowing off car bombs then we here in Wisconsin should have the right to blow up fish! The only trouble is that its very hard to gather up all the fish gutts, paste them together again and then mount the thing on the wall. It's very hard on the taxidermist when to bring in a bucket full of parts with two tails and no head orthe other way round. Got to go, I've got a fishing date, make that a bombing date see you all next Friday, blog day


At 10:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Slow week, no other comments. Maybe you need to send out an e-mail announcing your return. Nice topic - how about an update on fall colors or the results of Beef - O - Rama

At 4:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is Monday 12 days since my last blog and once again there is a squirrel in the wood pile. The site will not allow me to enter, knock, knock... and the blessed thing has frozen me out and its no where near winter time.

At 8:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mt god - fish bombing? That's all we need is a band of maurauding fish terrorists in the northwoods. Now, if we could only get those fish to hang out in the new WalMart Super center when completed - BOOM - it's aquatic urban renewal.

So, you've been working on this one since June? No notes, stories about travelling the US, no summer tales of boating fishing and golfing? What about human interest stories about Katie the Dog attempting to start your chainsaw?


At 2:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welome Back!
Thanks for giving me something to do at work besides play Freecell and figure out how to win next year's fishing contest.

Just wondering if the fishbombs are sliced into the water from your tee or are they dropped from the seaplane?


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