Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A bent nail or for the want of one.

Quite a few months ago I finished a project, a bath remodel. It was a undertaking which almost sent me , an undertaker, esp the wiring! Fortunately, someone reliable was around to hold the ladder this time. Now we are into it again, up to our eye balls.

First off, it’s a kids place up here, an old run over log cabin build in 1935. For the decades past the only inhabitants of this quaint old place ran around on the floor and flew around the attic leaving messes everywhere they roamed. When my daughter and her husband were thinking of buying the place they asked me to view the place. I even asked a builder friend who has rehabbed log homes to give me his thoughts….. He said, “Jed, move away from there.”

Needless to say they bought the place cause ‘it had possibilities’. The same thing Tom Hanks said in The Money Pit”. The first thing they did was to get the largest dumpster in town and after 2 days the thing is half full (or half empty) depending on your view of life.

During last winter our daughter and son-in-law got long distant help from a now South American, an international interior design queen. The project was a go. They are now at mid point. They used the maul, crow bar and large hammers and let me tell you the dust was flying. They are some what following a pre conceived remolding plan. Out came cousin Hal’s chain saw… ‘out with that wall ’ who needs a bath room anyway?

Then they focused on the flat ceiling…gone and to our surprise there was a beautiful vaulted wood ceiling with log beams… the place is a gem in the rough that is if it doesn’t fall apart on our heads. The plan is to have the place animal tight by mid winter … the squirrels, bats, mice will just have to find a new place to hang out over the winter. So the outside of the place is almost there. Next spring/summer the interior gets a make over as does my body parts. I ‘ll post a before and after pix of the place next summer.


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