Monday, November 19, 2007

The big fuss… the energy crisis

They say we have an energy problem on our hands. They say South American Oil sucks because it’s pinkish, a shade of red. Then there is the gulf oil, the Middle Eastern Gulf that is. This type of oil is exported by the crazies who happen to own 85% of the world and all the world bank’s. The other 10 % is owned by China and 5% by the Walton family.

So do we keep selling our future by buying “ cheap” $100 a barrel middle east oil? We could drill further off shore… no that’s to simple. So here are some real simple ideas about our energy problem.

1.) We all take off for the summer… no work is allowed, no commuting, only sitting on the beach. This would cut energy use. Air conditioning wouldn’t be running and the new rule is that you have to ride your bike to the beach.

2.) During the winter we’d all move to either Florida or the southwest. We’d all get jobs as boarder patrol guards. I know you wanted to look more macho. We’d use mopeds keeping Mexicans and people from Illinois out of the country… they use a lot of energy partying and keeping their lights on all night.

3.) We, the government could once again allow home distilleries as in the 1920’s. Along with commercial ethanol we all could make our own white lightin’ to run our cars on a batch corn mash thus helping the poor farmers as well as Detroit who would make a killing selling us dozens of replacement carburetors

Lastly is the shocking truth, electricity isn’t cheap Yeah, we need but to produce it at a massive level we burn coal and a huge amount of natural gas ruining the atmosphere and melting my knee cap The only thing the Dutch got right was the wind mill. So some yahoo needs to come up with (affordable) home wind mill mass produced that plug into your home electrical system without frying your nose off. The utilities companies would just love this idea, don‘t you think? So why hasn‘t Al Gore come up with some of these solutions? Pointing fingers is easy the hard part is brain power of which we seem to be on the short side lately.

You get the picture…for nothing is going to happen till we all run out of gas and that was me last yesterday. So we went out (walking) and had a Mexican dinner and now my personal gas tank is over loaded.


At 1:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew there was a reason the hot tub never got plugged in.

At 6:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cripes, sounds like the nomadic amish energy plan. Wait, let the mexicans come in, make restaurants serving plenty of frijoles and bingo, another source of wind power. In the alternative, if you could come up with a methane storing pants - people could run their households on personal flatulance.


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