Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Done that, read that… 1/16

So it’s library time once again… this time of year it’s a weekly thing. I mean the saloons are a bore for all the yoyo flatlanders down south so there is no one at Whitman’s to at laugh at or with. I should go down hill skiing you say? Get serious!

Then it’s a long time between Packer games and it seems that national networks only telecast the really big hoop games and not the Bradley Braves? What are they? They are some non-politically correct athletic team, that’s what. So, here we are between baby sitting jobs occupying time and space. Its three weeks between our trip south, way south, when we put our springer dog in jail, pack the bags and start hick hiking.

So, it’s a time thing… what in the blazes do I do other than shovel snow… head to the library and find a good book of course. Well, I did and read all three of them… I even check out their DVD’s all three of them. Rosebud told me that I should increase my workouts- tread milling is fine for squirrels. It’s gotten so bad that I’m back to editing my “One Liners”, my collection of other’s quot’ables. I leave you with one...

“ nothing is fool proof…to a sufficiently talented fool.”


At 10:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A couple of books which the blog reading group heartily recommends:

1) Care and maintenance of your chainsaw
2) 101 home elctrical repairs
3) Squirrel - It's not just for breakfast anymore
4) No man is an iowan

At 2:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that you have been barred form the saloons --not by the owners or customers of course. Maybe a cetain cheeky Iowan might coerce a wonderful, cheerful, likeable ex Bat to return IF the Packers win on Sunday. Of course, that means that Queen Nancy wil probably root for "the other team"


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