Monday, February 25, 2008

Greener grass… 2/25

It’s on the other side of the fence if you are a goat or a cow; it’s always the better place to be than where you aren’t at the present time. We left for our to South American trip early a.m. on Feb 10th… wind chill outside was a minus -53 degrees . We were only a bit sad to leave having to put the dog in jail for 2 weeks. It only took the car 40 miles to get the temp gauge off dead bottom and get the heater working on our way to the Milwaukee airport.

Yes, we were looking for new horizons, a break in the frost patterns on the cabin’s windows. It’s seems our annual late winter trip to thaw out has become bi-annual. Something seems to come up every other year to blow our plans to pieces. On these trips south we‘ve been keeping our eyes open to find nirvana, a place in the sun to park for 4 to 6 weeks (February) figuring to miss the -53 wind chills.
Four year back we flew into the Big Easy and headed east along the gulf coast.

There were two small towns that I was seriously looking into, so was Katrina - sadly that following fall those places were washed away. So much for the western Gulf Coast. Last year we were half way down to St George Island, Fla… Stopping in Omaha? A family thing. We were detoured west to California on other family business. Once again a near miss, we had to call hotels along our planned route to cancel reservations.

So , this year I had it in mind to see the big down under for Aussie friends have been on our case to see them for years, make that decades. Well, “ Budd, we are headed to Ecuador to a wedding that your daughter is in!” That was the standing order from headquarters and you don’t mess with headquarters. So under our 3 feet of snow, cold and misery there has to be green grass someplace in this world.. Yes Ecuador was beautiful, green and filled with wonders but not enough golf courses.

Did we get lost site seeing?
One liner…”The use of a road map is a must…always after you are lost.”


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