Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Which party? Donkey or Elephant?
It doesn't matter...
It’s super Tuesday, Clark Kent!
How come we can’t get one qualified person with an honest backbone to run for the highest office in the land. Trouble is no one in the right mind wants to ruin their reputation in running for office and those that do have a terrible problem, their egos. Beside running is bankrupting and morally corrupting. Sign me up.

It’s a sad state when you look at the list of the candidates even sadder when you look at their backgrounds and their agendas. I just may have to dump it all and move out into the woods and bury my head in a snow bank. Wait a minute, I did that 20 years ago.

I’ve just decide who to vote for….non of the above. I know what we all need to snap out of this… a major crisis. Its when the people of this country have a gun to it’s head that it gets off the pott.

How about if we create a major problem, a ralling point... like an energy problem, have a terrorist in our closet, or how about developing a policy of stepping on other peoples toes. Better yet lets ship out all the jobs that we didn’t want and now need. It’s our economy stupid! What again?

Gee, it’s easy to point fingers, trouble is most of the time you pock yourself in the eye. I think I’ll join the Zebra party. It’s black or white with little gray at the fringes.
Today’s one liner
”System run better when designed to run down hill.”


At 7:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where's Ross Perot when you need him? Or perhaps John Anderson? What about Lyndon Laroush? Monica Lewinsky is supporting the Republicans this year - seems the Democrats left a bad taste in her mouth.

I like Ike.

Rumor has it it's not an election year in Equador - enjoy.


At 12:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear Ralph Nader is seriously considering..........and I'll seriously consider voting for him when I can drive my Corvair to the polling booth (that may or may not be working....)

At 9:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barry Goldwater was right, bomb the crap out of them.


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