Its over, the season…
Oh, the Super Bowl (Bore) ? Yaeh, but it’s just another game of out east teams. 90% of the rest of the county could care less. It’s months before August rolls around and the summer camps begin with college football and the pros working up a sweat. Baseball you say ? Come on, get real.
Maybe you and I should start another football league. I know there is a spring football league in Europe and one that played indoors with 5 ½ men. But its not here (USA) nor “real” smash mouth football.
Just think we could sell franchises in towns that would kill for something to do.
Here is a start list of possible towns… Death Moines, Omaha, Dayton, Peoria and South Bend. All these towns are need of real football. And what else are you going to do on a Friday evening except sit at Whitman’s and complain about the fishing.
Quite a theory - 5.5 men on a team. Would the .5 be a halfback?
Of course the one with the most significant dearth of football would be South Bend.
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