Wednesday, January 23, 2008

just another day at the pole!

You know its cold...
when your dog heads to the door shake it’s head and returns to it’s soft warm bed.

You know its cold when your furnace gives up in frustration.

You know its cold when your match refuses to light.

You know its cold...
when your car tires are frozen to the ground and your engine can’t bust them lose.

You know its cold when even Rosebud will not go cross country skiing.

You know it cold when your nose falls off.

You know it cold...
when three pairs of socks doesn’t do it and your toes curl up to your rear end.

Yeah, were in the middle of a cold snap again, one of the many positives of life here in northern Wisconsin that and high taxes, and power outages. It’s why it’s called God’s country. God may have created the place but everyone knows he lives in the Caribbean
One liners:
Those that live by the sword…getshot by those that don’t


At 3:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I mentioned to a friend your nose fell off due to the extreme cold. It went like this -

Me: Say, did you hear Robin's nose fell off?
Friend: No, that's awfyl. How does he smell?
Me: Awful, he hasn't been bathing regularly this winter......



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