Wrong Keys...
It would be nice to be talking about the KEYS in Flordia but not to be. The keys that I am dealing with are the one used to type this and for some unknown reason once again they are all in the wrong spot. It's seems that I have once again locked myself out of blog documents.
The one person that I can ask for help knows less than I. What a pickle. I could just wing it today(once again) but then you'd know that careful thought hadn't been put into it. So for today there will be a huge void...something new and different.
Maybe I need to vacum the computer and get the 12 pounds of dust out of the thing. Maybe it needs spring house cleaning early. So I'll hire a maid and have the whole place done but that's wishful thinking.
So the only thing I can leave you with is today's thought...
"the race is not always to the swift,
nor the battle to the strong...
but that's the way to bet."
You and big brother suffer from the same syndrome - "Unable-to-put-keys-where-belong-itis". Causes immense loss of time looking for where they were misplaced last. I'm ready to start a scorecard on that for our refrigerator at home. Oh Rosebud - please don't tell me this affliction is uncurable...
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