Tuesday, March 25, 2008

“God Damned Americans”
What were they thinking… not just B.O. and his minister but to all those “Christians” sitting in B.O.s church and not standing up to raise holy hell with their minister. What a slap in the face to ALL Americans! This includes the half million American white and blacks that fought for the Union in the Civil War to free both men’s great, great grand parents. “God Damned Americans”?

Discount the red necks, discount the KKK, discount the black panthers, discount B.O..’s mentality, forget quote racism and for once think of “our” country for after all that’s what we are, one country. We are only divided by a thin line. On one side we have hard working people of all races. On the other side are people that have their hand out thinking that they are owed a lot by the other people… in fact its us, us as in the “government”. Wrong!

It was also those “God Damned Americans” that fought and died in Europe to overcome something worst than slavery, massive genocide. So now we are looking at having a commander of our armed forces that also allows service people to be damned for their actions as well. Sad to say it’s not O.B.s complete fault that this “ petty” thing has gotten in the way of matters of real importance. After all it wan't the ice berg that sank the Titanic, it was the ship’s captain. The real question now is who do you think should be at the helm? “God Damned Americans”?


At 2:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The big guy must be very upset to be having his name linked with such language used in one of his churchs.


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