Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Keep your pance on...

No, this isn't a rap on the elected officals of the state of New York. This is about a leave of absence. Once again we are headed down the road. Starting tomorrow we will be pulling a Willie Nelson/John/Deb Martin deal, hitting the road for a week. We are off on an Easter egg hunt and will NOT be shopping for a new pair of pance at Crossroads Mall in Omaha, maybe golf balls that is if they have fited the bullet holes from late winter's ordeal.

Minf you, this is mid March going on late March and we still have a good 30s of snow on the ground and it was zero last night. From where I am parking my rear there is NO world warming. That's why in these parts we keep our pance on... kind' of. If this keeps up the glaciers will once again be on us...

So hang tight folks and this blog site will once again be inhabited March 25th. Ileave you with this wisdom "Be yourself - who else is better qualified."


At 8:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"pants", "pance"...what's the difference I suppose. Enjoy you're road trip since it might be spring somewhere below the tundra.

At 2:00 PM, Blogger Up North said...

My spell checkk is nott quite workin' which is normal. Even if it did no big deal... you get whatt you got. Zipp=ity due.

At 9:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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