Saturday, June 14, 2008

Weather patterns…
I hear it’s really raining just south of here. Just 200 miles south they are getting the @##$%&*+@ kicked out of themselves. The only people making any thing out of this at the moment are the people that sell small boats, life jackets and flood insurance, scheming capitalist.

It’s time to start building your Ark if you live anywhere in the central Midwest. Those of us further north missed most of it… and our lakes still could use a foot of two of H2O. Sometimes things don’t add up. Hurricanes, tornadoes, wind sheer, it sure doesn’t take much to set man back on his ass. Throw in some earthquakes and tidal waves and mix it all up and poof! I think you can see where I am headed… It’s called short term memory or the lack of understanding past events and the luck of the draw… then throw in a pinch of stupidity. - i.e. like building your new home on a fault line or a flood plane.

You could purchase a beautiful townhouse with a view of the Mediterranean (right under Mt. Etna) and boom every 500 years. It’s on the 499th year. Or try a beach side condo in sunny Gulf Shore…the town is the bull’s eye of hurricane alley. How about a California ranch home in the Sierra foothills for a get away from everything except it gets burned down every third year? Then there’s your little cabin located on the peaceful Wisconsin River that just went 20’ over it’s bank and took out you laundry that was hanging out to dry. It also took out every thing else along with your BMW which they will find in St. Louis next week. You could hide under a rock but They will find you.

See where this is going? There are a heck of a lot more of us living today in spots the you'd like to send crazy cousin Louis. Some rads would point out that man is effecting weather patterns. It could be to some degree. However, 10,000 years ago there was a 2 mile thick ice sheet over most of North America… I ask who put it there and damn it was cold back then. It was the same guy who's in charge of today’s weather!


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