Monday, May 19, 2008

Hi’er tech - lower watts

A second new generation of High Definition Television sets came on the market last month. Guess what? I got hooked and after weeks of “what in the hell are they talking about?" made the move and brought one home yesterday.

I took me several hours of un-cartoning the thing and then reading the “set-up” instructions. By the word up set…it’s where in the world can we set the thing in your house? It's rather big. It was decide by a majority of one (Rosebud) that I should carefully read the instruction book cover to cover (this time) before plugging it into the wall. So I got it out of the garbage and started reading

I spent the night reading but did not know what I had read. It was Greek to me. I was lost after the first two pages… this may require an out of town expert to get us re-hooked up. I mean the thing has bells and whistles which are amazing if I only knew what they did. But there is one really cool “bell” that allows the set to automatically the sound volume. Another words when the commercials come on they don’t blast you out of the chair any more. That in itself was worth the purchase.

Oh yeah, I had to call Direct TV and schedule them out to change all of our equipment and rewire the house. Then the tech gave me a 2 minute schooling on how the new remotes works. We realy need an hour or two but hay… who says I’am not hi tech? I can now turn it on, off and change the channels, progress made by inches.


At 11:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does this TV remote also have a fingerprint reader so that it won't allow certain family members to turn up the volume?

At 7:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

These high corn prices are great for some of us consumers I guess.

At 8:40 AM, Blogger Up North said...

Look if you drove a 9 tear old Mazda, you to could almost afford the down payment and month fees to have your own hi-def TV... after all I have to keep up with the folks next door... family members.


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