Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Alien life forms…
The search is on. There are thousands of scientists with headsets listening. Telescopes are scanning the sky. Probes are being designed to land on the moons on Saturn and Jupiter. Millions upon millions are being spent on finding life in the universe. It mind bending the effort being applied.

It’s also bend minding when you think about the life forms that many of us not need. Here are a few that come to mind… almost all viruses we can do without. They are life forms that mankind has battled for hundreds of years and they keep changing forms. Just think of all the germs running around that should be stepped on.

Sometimes I think they are an invention of the drug companies. Another pain are
wood ticks. Do we really need them? Our dog dosen't. Spiders, mosquitoes, snakes and hornets are also pains that could be eliminated without too many people crying wolf. But we could keep the honey bees.

At present and in the near dfuture the egg head in NASA have big plans trying to find a life anywhere at any cost when many others are typing to destroy it. (wood ticks) What does this really tell us about mankind?

Thankfully there are others at work trying to improve the human condition… like Hi-definition TV. It’s here now just like telephones that fit in your ear and make you look like you've got a head growth.

It will not be long before we all will have a computer medical chip embedded in our finger. Each morning while we log in we can find out if we are alive or dead by a simple scan. The thing will scan your body and tell you if had one to many last night and if you saw any little green men running around Whitman’s Bar.

It could even take the place of our conscious. Even slap us on the side of the head when we were about to have a second desert.
Ah, progress, Pass the pecan pie, please.

This is my second posting of the week...gone for the remainer for a reunion of friends, . Yes I have people that consider it an honor to be in my presence, foolish them.


At 12:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No fooling.

You are worthy.

At 8:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank goodness you are not monitoring, rumor has it you often cannot hear Rosebud and also blame certain things on Katie the dog. Imagine that "It wasn't me, the alien did it."



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