Monday, April 14, 2008

Timing… Investing 101- part b

A couple of blogs back was about buying high, selling low. Over the course of the last 5 decades I’ve made it a habit of timing the market swings in the wrong direction. (I am not alone) It seems like it runs in the family. For us want to be millionaires I think I’ve a have come up with the NEXT CAN”T MISS.

I’ve decided to start an investment letter service just like a pal of mine. However, this one will be unique! How? I’ll have the usual disclaimer that I am not response for the thousand upon thousands that you could loss and I’ll take credit for the millions that you are going to make. Just like the other PROS.

But here’s the twist… when I make a suggestion like take a left, you take a right, when I say buy you sell. When I say oil you think chocolate. When I am into corn you’re into silver. Puts and calls? Who cares? I’ve also decided to hire an additional consultant, J. Fred Muggs. He’s come out of retirement from the Milwaukee Zoo. He will be the dart thrower seeing I have a bad arm and my eye sight isn’t what it use to be.

I’ll even do some illegal trading for you that is if you will not tell… I'll trade you Marvin's Garden for Park Place. Yes, Easy Street is right around the next corner, wait a minute... that’s a one way street heading down and we're all headed in the wrong direct. Or a great deal of what see, is what we are looking. for...


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