Thursday, April 03, 2008

Telling a bull form a bear… Investing 101
Or read Dave’s book!

Stuffing it under your mattress?
Well, that not going to make it. So how do you plan for the times ahead… look behind. That’s what my dad did and he got hit by a bus.

You say you are invested in the market and the last time you did hi-tech became low tech and you took it in the pants. Then let’s play it real safe and buy stock in an energy company and you made a move into ENRON!!! Ever recoiling- you even played it safer purchasing real estate investments playing on low mortgage interest rates which were not fixed and now the roof is leaking.

Then in a real state of panic wanting to you hid the remaining 2 cents of your nest egg you put it in a hi interest paying account at a place called Bear Streans…

It’s been one crap shoot after another. Why didn’t you invest in oil drilling partnerships back in the 70s and 80’s? But you did and it was one dry hole after another. Oh, yeah I missed one, junk bonds they are now HOT again so says HGTV channel, you can wall paper your bathroom with them.

Here’s here my point, you can tell a bear from a bull by looking at it’s underwear! I mean you really need to take a closer look at things.. is it a wolf in lambs clothing, by the way we’re having lamb for dinner. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and walks like a duck it’s not a duck it’s either a bull or a bear.

So here is how to rebound… go to your dentist and have them remove your 12 gold crowns … That $12,000. You take your new found wealth to the local gas station and purchase a tank of gas. With the remaining $2.50 you go to McDonalds and have their $1.00 menu meal… trouble is without teeth it hard to swallow what’s happening to our economy.

Just take a long peek before purchasing your new gold mine. “This is to good to be true, it can’t miss” Guess what? you are looking at another duck.


At 3:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Underwear? A bear is hairy needs a shave whereas a bull has horns and if it goes mooo you've got the utter gender.


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