Friday, March 28, 2008

The Pet Mart…

Not quite…. These cages were in the main farmer’s market in the city of Cucena. Guide Dave told us that anything you needed could be had in the place. Cuban cigars? no problem - the only problem is that our one cigar smoker, T. Brown, doesn’t like Cubans. This place wasn't your average run of the U.S.A. Mall Food Court… This place had everything most of it was…ALIVE. If they didn't have it all you had to do was just had to ask for Juan.

Oh, you wanted duck for lunch? Then off with it’s head and feathers… and that would be raw. For medium or well done add another .30 cents. These cages are the cackling equivalent of our super market meat cases.

The day before our tour bus stopped at a connivance store and the price of fuel (gas) was $1.48 Now, I don’t know if this was a standard gallon or imperial, a large Coke and I mean large was .40 cents. However, I am not going to go into other costs as we did do some gift shopping for family members and I don’t want them to know how cheap their presents were, let’s just say Rosebud went a little nuts.

I just couldn’t believe that the only draw back I saw in our entire visit was their habit of cooking pets for dinner. There were only a few loose dogs on the run and this brought back thoughts of Ken K. bless his heart.

Today's one line, "Natural beauty is enhanced by the distance from home."


At 3:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hay, there is a rabbit in one of those cages, Buggs Bunny for dinner anyone? Hausinfeffer under glass.

At 9:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice thoughts and remembrances pal. No one eats dogs here but just about anything else.


At 7:47 AM, Blogger Up North said...

No where did I say the people go around and have dogs for bruch, only that there were few of them. Maybe I didn't quite phase it correctly... they may have been prized so much that they were under lock and key like our daughters until they were 30. Then we couldn't get them out of the house.


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