Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Calendar Effect…
Looking at a calendar I know what it saz… it plainly states that its spring, bull. Then 12 months later it saz the same thing SPRING. It maybe in some parts of the world. But I have to go through this mental game annually. It’s like being a kid again and each day is December 24th. The blasted day or season never gets here. Christmas to a kid is like spring to us older folks. It never comes. Or for mothers to be… it's like their due date is 10 months off. I don’t know where you are sitting but we have 2” of snow still on the ground. Gad!

There are some things that seem like they are years off… other like they are upon you before you want them. i.e. dental appointments, April 15th tax day, a scheduled surgery, a mother in law’s visit, a 30th or 60th birthday,

I have found that if you look into a negative thing with negative feelings the outcome is more gloom and doom. So ask yourself is there anything positive about a dental appointment? The answer is no because your dentist is 70years old, has the shakes plus his glasses are as thick as a coke bottle. My friend, you have the wrong dentist. It’s time to find one of the other gender, one that trips your trigger. ..easzzzy! (or try Fred's)

As for taxes…just think of all the good your tax dollars do… (personally I thought they sent the wrong guy to the moon) As for surgery…I know it hurts, the recovery phas, but it keeps most of us on the right side of the grass.

As for visits by family members they remain fun as long as they are short and sweet. And for birthdays… with each you one should gain additional wisdom, butterfly, so said the guy in Kung Fu. It’s fun being older, sometimes traffic stops for you to hobble across the road.

Why did the old grandfather cross the road?
I don’t know I can’t remember.


At 2:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

who the hell are those four horsemen?


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