Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Some much for inter cultural stuff…

International relations are for exporters, currency speculators, and ex pats. For the rest of us tourist it’s a simple change of views and clothing. That is if you have packed the right stuff. I feel that if more people got off their duffs and got out there… there would be less of a held threat held on both sides. For in most cases they are us! There are many friendly faces all over place…. All we have to do is overlook the daggers while we are holding our hands high, all kidding aside…

Many a year ago we hosted an Australian in our home for a week and John became one of our family. Now the Aussies have never posed a threat to our country nor Wisconsin or Iowa. If the U. S. ever got it in it’s head to invade the ‘down under’ - I’d be the first to have the powers to be committed. It would be like declaring war on Winnipeg, sorry Chris.

There is a time and place for logical thinking.. .I just wished it would show it’s ugly head. I keep telling you all that Barry Goldwater had it right but no one ought into the truth he was selling. The truth is a tough sale, just like condo’s on Lake Minocqua. There hasn’t been straight thinking in the State Department for 40years no matter whose been in office.

So what’s the answer to skyrocketing gas and food prices and the devaluation of the dollar…. Eat more cheese, have a big one then you’ll have to spend half the day on a tread mill rehabbing and not watching CNBC nor hearing the cheery news on CNN.

And that’s my opinion and if you don’t agree than you too can start your own blog which no one will read just like this one.


At 8:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Conscience of a Conservative" a great book then and even more relevant today.

As to invading other countries we should start with Canada. It's closer and with global warming and all their winters will get shorter "theoretically". Besides they've got the goods we need, AAAA?

You've seen the light about putting aside stereotypes about other places and people in the world. A big step for someone from West Hazelhurst!

At 10:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But we LIKE you.

We really LIKE YOU! :-)

Keep those random thoughts flowing.

At 8:40 AM, Blogger Up North said...

Random thoughts? random thoughts!!!! I hate to admit it but everything I put down is well thought out and the insight could stop a Greyhound Bus on the Interstate... 'pardon me I have to use the outside restroom."


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