Saturday, April 12, 2008

Where ‘d I put it?

“Damn it Wobbin! Where are they?
‘Where’s what Dave?’
You know!
‘Know what?’
It’s my glasses I set them down in the boat and they’re gone.”

Dave was trying to tie on a new fishing hook on his line and was lost without his cheaters. I said -putting him on,
“Gee, Dave I didn’t want to tell you but I thought I saw them slip out of your pocket and went overboard.” However, \his sunglasses were sitting as plan a day on the top of his head and I had to string him along. It’s what friends are for.

“You know we could call Francie and she could bring out your spare pair.” This would require using a cell phone in the middle of no where to replace his "misplaced" eye glasses that were sitting on top of his head!

Don’t tell me you haven’t done the same thing… misplacing something that turns out to be so obvious as the nose on your face. It’s either a wallet, purse or the ever lost car keys. You hunt for hours as panic sets in swearing under and over your breath. Then finally you take a moment and retrace your prior steps and bingo, the damned thing shows up.

I then pointed to the top of Dave’s head and bingo Dave found his glasses as well as a awe, gee, whiz look that came over his face.

The thing is I lost something yesterday. Most things you lose are small important item i.e. car keys but this was large and of importance. It was a large wood splitting maul. I use it daily making small stuff out of big stuff. It would be like you losing tooth brush, you're lost without it. I just remembered where my maul's outside under 8” of new snow. gad someone has to sot that groundhog!

Oh well, my maul will show up by itself this spring just like Dave’s glasses.


At 8:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The glasses were on affixed to my shirt sort of .........but I get it nonetheless.

So, you're tellin' us you've more snow, aaaaah? And, you're watching the Masters with them in shirt sleeves and you shoving more logs on the fire, aaaah?

Springtime in the northwoods!


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