Monday, April 07, 2008

Pass it along…
Yesterday something hit me… no it wasn’t bird droppings, I was in church and someone in the pew behind coughed and something landed on the back of my neck. Yes, it was a mess and later the person that did it was very red faced when we shock hands offering one another the peace and I gave him back the thing in a used Kleenex.

This got me thinking, a very dangerous event that happens once or twice a year… for as we wonder through life we ourselves pass along other things. Most of the time these are positive things but sometimes not. Ugly germs are not positive but a wide smile or a used Smedberg joke is very positive. So today I am trying something… I am keeping score. No, I am not that bored. I just wanted to see how many good or positive things happen to me today compared to bad or negatives things.

If you have a bad hair day going then ALL events of the day seem bad. However, if you have just got out of a barber chair or beauty shop there is no excuse for a had hair day. Or if you’re a bald eagle like yours truly you’ re on neutral ground. Tomorrow why not try it yourself? the counting that is.

I know what you’re thinking… ”What a waste of time.” But it’s my time to waste and it seems I now have a bit of it. There is only one problem, this calls for a judgment on my part for what may seem good to you may be bad in my eyes…. And there is a plaque that I got for my friend Fred that reads….”INDECISION…may or may not be my problem.”

Today’s one line… ”The light at the end of the tunnel… it may or may not be an oncoming train.”


At 10:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

INDECISION- Per Brown and Coleman.

Yatch Club or Whitmans,
5 iron or 7 iron,
put or chip,
shit or get off the pot,
Babysitter - Rosebud or Hunt


At 8:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"What a waste of time?" there is no time's only mis-used!


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