Friday, April 25, 2008

Old Hardware the SAC Museum 4/25

Not only is my garage filled "old stuff" but our house is stuffed with old stuff. Iam not the only pack rat in the midwest. Several weeks ago we was in Omaha visiting family and I talked my boy into wasting a morning with me. We traveled west on I-80 half way to Lincoln and there in a big corn field stands the SAC museum. It loaded with old flying stuff.

SAC was a part of the Air Force deciated to blowing the crap out of the world when we were all in that mind set. You walk into this modern building and are amazed at all the old air planes mostly bombers for that’s how people use to blow the crap out of the world. There is a huge glass entryway and hanging from the ceiling is a Blackbird SR71. It's an amazing site. The plane almost has better lines than Rosebud. Just walking under it you could see way the Russians didn’t have a clue.

Then inside were the old war hawks - a B25, B17, B29 then there their two prizes a B36 and a B52. There were so many B’s I began looking for a hive. Anyway, I was spell bound for I am an old plane buff. The two of us walked around and through the open bomb bays looking at the advances in techno military hardware. It’s also what my son does for a living…flying in these newer things.

It's further amazing the progress we have made. We now have planes that fly without pilots. Soon will have wars without people. Just think of it as a big video game.
today's one line... " Friends may come and go... but enemies accumulate "


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