Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Don’t make waves… poly sci
(another political blog?)

The majority of Germans were not at fault, the majority of the Chinese’s were not at fault, the majority of the Japanese were not at fault, the majority of the Russians were not at fault… yet all these nations sat back and let massive genocide happen not wanting to raise a fuss. Each were to busy within themselves.

Now we have something else occurring, a major religion of the world Islam is looking the other way while it allows genocide within and without its people. All for the love of GOD. This madness will continue and there isn’t a world leader that can stop it for this time it’s not political nor economic. This time for all about “religion”. Isn’t it time religious leaders to put aside their pettiness and band together and apply pressure where it belongs… on Arabian states and the Swiss banks? For sure countries and their leaders aren’t going to raise hell about the present killing for that might jeopardize their quota of black gold.

Who is right and who is wrong does not matter, what’s wrong is the shameless killing. All we have to do is to pull out of Iraq and the killing within that country’s factions would make the last two war look tame… and that’s just Iraq and doesn’t deal with the bad boys at play in other countries. I think if we showed these kind folks a picture of the forty virgins in heaven that they get to mess with then they wouldn’t strap bombs on themselves.

At one time there was a United Nations but now its in name only… at one time there was a thing called Nato… but its in name only… at one time there was the World Bank… it’s still there but what’s it doing? not enough to help the human condition. It’s like our congress that only acts POST FACTO… we have 3 people that want to be the next president…not one has come up with “THE PLAN”. It’s all finger pointing.

Maybe James Monroe had it right, let’s make sure thing are in order in our own hemisphere first. Why does the U.S. have to be the only policeman in the world? What you just read is my personal opinion - if you don’t like perhaps you are wrong?


At 8:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's an idea. All the shoe company should be required to have steel toe in their product, that way no one will know when they have been stomped on.


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