Wednesday, May 07, 2008

It’s here!!!!!
I can see ground, real ground. Sure you all to the south have seen brown grass for weeks . Your calendars have read its spring for a month, but not here the artic circle. Why just last week a Robin, the harbinger of spring was flying north in a blinding snow storm flew right into our picture window and damn near knocked himself silly. He recovered and flow back south rethinking his flight pattern. I almost did the same.

It’s time to break out the minnow bucket, rods and reel again all into the thought of hitting the water, that is when the lakes open up around the latter part of June. Then there is the boat, got to get it ready. All the other spring chores can just wait till this surge of spring wanes. Should take about 10 days then it’s golf season and things can wait till fall!! Got to go and see if the lawn mower starts… wait a minute we don’t have a lawn and even if we did the deer will take care of it…
speaking of gardening....
"the flowers of tomorrows are only seeds of today,
carefuly of where we step!"


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