Wednesday, May 14, 2008

That’s right, step right up, rise your hand when asked for a moment of your time. In the true American spirit many a poor fool has step forward when the seed was planted not knowing the true impact of their simple act. It was 1777 a very bad winter to be in eastern Pennsylvania in a place called Valley Forge. If it were not for those fool hardy men we all be British subjects, long live the Queen and we'd be driving on the wrong side of the road.

Also in 1942 Americans by the thousands stepped forward when the Japanese blew the hell out of Pearl Harbor. Some very bad things were happening for the Japs and the Germans wanted to import Mazda, Nissans and VW’s into this country and we would have non of it. Over our dead bodies we said and there were many. So our volunteers stormed their beaches so all of us had the rights to drive Chevy’s and Fords and to keep NASCAR out of foreign control, almost.

You never can tell where your action of volunteering can take you. But there is something very simple that all of you can do. May is Cystic Fibrosis month, a time for awareness and small actions. CF is in my family and many others. Putting it bluntly.. and it’s a bum deal.

You can simply help by knowing more about it and by sending a small check to the CF Foundation. Your support will mean so much for our kids with CF… how?

Log onto and let your inner you be your guide… See volunteering today isn’t as tough as in the past by those who put themselves in the line of fire.

Your line of fire is quite safer. Let’s give the kids with CF a chance! Or join Rosebud in her Mother’s Tea tea party… I know it’s a little late for mother’s day, but what the heck.


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