Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Big Brown…
They are off and running… it could be the first triple crown winner in thirty years… into the first curve Big Brown thunders in third place just bidding his time. He’s up the back stretch running at his own pace ready to eat them alive. He is a jet on afterburner that can run at mach 2. In horse lingo he’s a beast blowing everything off the track. These guys are no dummies, the owners . They sold parts of this four legged wonder to every Tom, Dick and Howard for billions.
Can you imagine the stud fee?

Brown’s stud fee is going to make history. Just think of the world filled with little Browns running around. Wait a minute… it all ready is. So the triple crown is going to go to Big Brown and you can bet on it, millions of buck have.
It’s show time into the last corner at Belmont …. It’s go time.

The rest of the field will be scheduled to go to the Kennel-ration plant and Big Brown will be having a field day at the stud farm.. This is where the phase “Oh, so runs.” came into being – someone or something blowing away the competition. And the winner is Rosebud by a nose. Rosebud?

Wait a minute where’s Big Brown? Dead last!
Now I Am not talking fix, but??? 38 to 1. Sounds like the NBA.


At 12:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No they didn't sell part of him to the one Howard we know. He would only buy mechanical horsepower.

At 7:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

howard doesn't buy hp. he makes it.


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