Monday, July 21, 2008

Plant Earth. 7/21
It was a super TV series, even better on wide screen hi-def. It was a beautiful time shot of us now… Us being all the things that crawl along on this planet. In short, life is amazing and so are humans. The question is why can’t we all row the boat in the same direct.

The other day I got down my old geology books from college. One of them was a subject called Geomorphology. To some 99% of all people the subject may seem boring. But it held me spell bound for a semester or two. It’s the study of structure. Another words what’s under us and how it got that way. Where is this going?

In a nut shell non of us have control of our lives. The boat of state just bounces off the rocks. You didn't choose your parent’s, you can’t stop that lightening bolt from frying your hair. But you can choose not to live on a fault line, or a mountain slope that’s an old volcano ready to do it again or build a million dollar home in a flood plane.

Mother Nature at one time had 45 super huge volcanoes all going off at one time each five times the size of Mt St. Helen’s. They weren’t just one big bang, they were active for years. The sulfur they put in the air was thousands times the amount that our cars put out. Yet, we need to put things in perspective.

We have two things that are effectingus, energy and pollution and it concerns ALL of us. If we could put a man on the moon with only an advanced slide rule why not the same effort (with cash funding) using super computers to answer our problems… To easy! The only problem we face are the jar heads on capital hill. The investment made by past congresses in the space program has been returned to us many fold. I even have an electric tooth brush. Why can’t we use this same approach NOW. I know NASA sucks and the question is whose going to pay for this???
We have been at $4.40 per gallon and that's for milk.


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