Sunday, July 06, 2008

July 5th

It’s a void, a dud fire cracker. The party is over and there is a a mess to clean up , empties to recycle and a trip to the dump. It’s that taste in your mouth after one to many beers and five tooth brushing that can’t get rid of it.
It’s stale air that even a change of socks can’t get remove.

You lite off too many sparklers.

The 5th is just like December 26th or January 1st, New Years day.
It feels like there is a space between your ears the size of the Grand Canyon.
So three times a year you stumble and swear that you’ll be a better person and not over celebrate.

But then the next holiday appears and you lift your glass high to toast your family and friends and have another piece of cake… so what of resolve?

Oh, it can wait to the next 4th of July.


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