Saturday, June 21, 2008

A quick trip… econ Lesson #2
Hydro- logical’ly speaking, the heartland got nailed. Iowa has a ton of water in it. So, where there is a lot of it is, a lot less is elsewhere, namely Northern Wisconsin. The lake out front of us is now a pond working on a puddle. There are rocks and boulder where there should be four feet of water.

Iowa City and Cedar Rapids are up to their armpits or so said the national news. In the old days both towns would throw stones at Davenporters who lived on the bank of the Olde Miss and had annual spring floods, no big deal. Not anymore. I hopped in the car headed south for I had to take a look.

Yes, the towns are a mess and so are the many corn and beans fields. There will be a lot less crops coming in this fall meaning… less ethanol, less corn flakes, and less pork sausages which will make my heart doctor a lot more happy for his patients.(but less business for himself) tofu anyone? Then there are the folk on the Chicago Board of Trade - some with long faces other smiling depending on which side of the fence you are standing.

The farmers that gamble and replant have the addition cost for seed and fertilizer and still may not get a good crop by late late fall. So farming is a high odds crap shoot. Just like most things in life it’s a gamble getting out of bed in the morning. But if you don’t, who is going to let the dog out?


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