Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Concert on the beach…

A pair of common Loons, they are to the right of our lake front point, another pair is to the left fishing for morning breakfast. The lake is clam and quite. Nesting on shore are two pairs of Canadians with their dozen young hatch., that’s a mess of geese not to mention the mess they left behind. It’s 5:30 am, my quite time of day.

Rosebud has out our humming bird feeder loaded and it’s loaded four to six fast flyers dueling it out for position. Off to the side I have our song bird feeder out and they too are dueling it out each wanting to be King of the Feeder.

So this morning with coffee cup in hand and the sun just breaking over the tree tops I let out our Katie dog for her morning break. Her ears perk up and she and chases after two deer that are watering at our beach point…

pan-damn-momium breaks out! The deer head out to the end of the point causing the song birds and humming birds to take flight then into the lake the deer head… The Canadians start squawking protecting their young causing the Loon to break forth in tune thus causing a nesting Eagle to join the choris… all the while the deer start swimming across the lake.

Ah, nature what a racket. Then from our upstairs bedroom I heard, “What in the world is going down there?” I replied…”Oh, nothing”. This morning is almost worth our 7 months of winter.

Why do we live in the northwoods? Simple…. quack quack quack


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